Telecom Centres of Excellence India

Online Recruitment Portal

Note : Fields with '*' mark are compulsory to enter.


Applied For Post :

1. Personal Details

Father's Name/Husband's Name
Date of Birth*
Highest Qualification*
Last Drawn Salary (CTC)*

2.Current Address

Current Address*
Parmanent Address*
Mobile No*
Tel No

3. Current Organization

Organization Name*
Organization Address*
Mobile No

4. (i) Educational Qualifications in descending order

Sr. No. Examination Passed Name of Institution/University Year of Completion (mm/yyyy) % of Marks/Grade Specialization

(ii) Certification (if any)

Sr. No. Course/Certification Name of Institution/University Year of Completion (dd/mm/yyyy) Duration

5 Professional Experience(since beginning)*

Sr. No. Organization Designation Pay scale (CDA with - grade pay/IDA) or CTC (only in case private organizations) Period From (dd/mm/yyyy) Period To (dd/mm/yyyy) Job Description

6 Essential Work Experience

Sr. No. Essential Work Experience Organization From (dd/mm/yyyy) To (dd/mm/yyyy) Job Description

7 Desirable Work Experience

Sr. No. Desirable Work Experience Organization From (dd/mm/yyyy) To (dd/mm/yyyy) Total Months Job Description

8. Significant Achievements / Awards if any:

9. Additional Details:

1. Whether any punishment was awarded to the applicant during the last 10 years. The details thereof *
2. Whether any action or inquiry is going on against him/her as far as his knowledge goes. If yes, the details thereof *
3. I hereby declare that none of my relatives are working in TCOE India or associated companies if yes, the details of such employees are as below with name and designation.*
4. Please upload your latest CV with photograph *

(i) I certify that the details furnished by me in Cols. 1 to 9 are true and nothing is being hidden and I am eligible for the post.

(ii) I have not ever been convicted by any court of law or arrested by any law enforcement agencies within India or outside or facing any criminal proceedings in any court of law. If yes, the details are as below:
