Telecom Centres of Excellence India

About TCOE India


Who We Are


Telecom Centres of Excellence India (TCOE India), set up in Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode, are an example of the Government, the Academia and the Industry working together for the sustained growth and progress of the country in the Telecom sector. 

The purpose(s) of the Society is: 

a) Realizing the objectives of the National Digital Communications Policy of the Government of India; 

b) Creating an environment of innovation in Telecom through Scientific Research and Development; 

c) Creating Synergies among the academia, industry and research institutes for capacity building and development of a balanced telecom ecosystem;

d) Think tank activities for policy regulation and governance advocacy in the field of telecom for the benefit of the common people; 

e) Steering the Start-ups to become globally competitive by participating in Standards Development at Telecommunications Standards Development Society, India (“TSDSI”) in            order to influence Global Standards; and 

f) Promoting new and emerging technology changes based on the priorities of the Government. 


The scope of activities of TCOE India shall also include ICT (Information Communication Technologies) domain, in view of the convergence of IT and Telecom technologies, and/or any other such future convergence technologies. 

The main objective of the Society, called TCOE India, is to bring together premier technical and management institutes of the country, Telecom Operators/Industries, Start-ups, Industry Associations, Government organisations and other telecom stakeholders to a common platform for a balanced growth of telecom ecosystem in the country by supporting entrepreneurship, innovation and start-up activities. 

The Society shall have Institutional membership from premier technical and management institutes, telecom operators/industries, start-ups, industry associations, Government organisations and other telecom stakeholders, and any other such body corporates as may be decided by the Governing Council. 

TCOE India is created for promoting development of new technologies, to generate IPRs, incubate innovations and promote entrepreneurship to position India as a global leader in telecom innovation and making India a hub of telecom equipment manufacturing.

The Governing Council of TCOE India, which may be expanded as required, shall be the apex body responsible for running of the TCOE India Society including the day to day activities of the Society.